Friday 8 September 2017


For those of you who  have waited for the 2nd part of my hair do.. today's the day!! I had already had my hair cut into a LOB and I wanted to push the boundary even further, so, for my 18th birthday, my mum and dad agreed to getting my hair ombred in Rose Gold! I was so happy with this and I couldn't wait to get it done, the appointment was arranged a few months before, and I made sure my school knew what was going on; and they agreed! It was all set and ready to go!! 
I was dead excited for my hair to go from a boring brown to a unique Rose Gold ombre!   

I had my hair cut into a LOB a few weeks before, and my hair-dresser made sure I was aware of the whole process, which sounded so good. I just wanted to get it done straight away! 
A couple of weeks later the day finally came (after many weeks of patiently waiting), and I was so excited to see how it would turn out! I entered my hair salon early (eager beaver here 😉), and had to wait until my actual appointment. I paid before hand so I could make a quick exit afterwards and to make sure I showed everyone else as we had friends coming over afterwards! 
Next, she washed my hair, and because my hair is so dark, she had to bleach it first to make sure the colour lifted to a lighter ginger brown sort of colour! This took about an hour, and honestly my head was hurting because I had to lean over the basin for ages while waiting for my hair to 'lift', which was seriously painful! 
After the painful leaning over the basin experience, she had to add the toner to my hair, and then the Rose Gold dye, which looked milkshake pink in the mixing bowl; she toned my hair, which took about 10 mins and added the colour which again took 10 mins and washed it out! 
Finally my hair was ombre, I could not believe it, it was so exciting! I had wanted this for a long time, and now I had it done, I was in shock!! 
When she was drying my hair, I could not stop telling her how much I loved my hair! I love it so much and I feel it looks so good with my skin tone and with the rest of my hair colour! I love how it blends into my original hair colour so much!!! I would totally keep on going to the hair-dressers again to make sure this ombre colour never fades. I love it so much!! 

Thank you for reading, 


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