Saturday, 16 December 2017

Favourites: Netflix shows

Since it is coming to the end of 2017, I thought I would begin this series by reflecting on my four favourite Netflix series that I watched over this past year! 

1.  Pretty Little Liars 
After 7 years of watching this series, the series came to an end and to tell you the truth I was very sad about it! I loved watching it and the attachment I had made with all of the characters was just too strong, I had to let go and wave 'goodbye' to the PLL gang for good. In April, when season 7 came to an end, I was so eager to watch it that I stopped myself going online. I did this because American episodes came out on the Wednesday, and English episodes came out on the Thursday, so I didn't want to spoil it by going on Twitter and finding out who -'A' was!!! Unfortunately, I failed. I was angry with myself but decided to watch it anyway because I had never seen the character myself.  The ending was bittersweet but I'm glad it ended on a good note for each of the characters. 

Reasons to watch: good plot twists, good characters, good storylines, fashion sense is fantastic (Hanna's and Aria's are my fave) and if you like a good high-school drama filled with issues relevant to today this show is a good one to watch!  I also loved the character relationships they had with each other.  

Reasons not to watch: bad ending to the final episode, you can't binge-watch all 7 seasons in one day and you might just get attached a bit too much to the characters which may be bad when it ends as you prize yourself away! 

2.  13 Reasons Why 

After I had watched the trailer, I knew I wanted to watch this series! I had never read the book, but the storyline appealed to me, and plus Selena Gomez had produced it so I thought it would be more 'watchable'. I remember watching this and getting my friends in on it, but while I had watched some of the episodes, some of my friends had binge watched all of the episodes. I then had to watch them to catch up with them as I wanted to talk about it with them and get involved in the gossip. I loved the acting and loved how they conquered issues such as mental health and suicide, and the way it was presented really stuck with me! I loved how each of the characters got their own tapes, and how their own stories with Hannah intertwined with each other. I loved it, but I didn't like how the characters own stories stuck with me, and how after the show ended, the story still seemed to go on for me. 

Reasons to watch: good plot twists, good character storylines and  loved how they talked about relevant issues. You can binge-watch Season 1 in a couple of days. 

Reasons not to watch: after something so intense your mind goes overboard and it feels like it has affected you, issues which people might not like are prevalent. Intense and emotional to watch as it feels very real. 

3.  Gossip Girl 

I have always wanted to watch this series after I watched parts of it on NCS about a year ago. I started watching it in the summer, and to be honest I watched Season 1 and part of Season 2, but I stopped after watching part of the first episode  of Season 2! I don't know why I just stopped watching it, but I think it had something to do with how obsessed I was with some of the characters!!! I will continue to watch this in 2018, as I need to know what happens in each of the seasons.  It was so good, and I recommend anyone to watch this! 

Reasons to watch: characters fashion sense (especially Serena), high-school drama, cheesy but brilliant to watch! Loved the setting of it as well as the characters relationships!

Reasons not to watch: 6 Seasons (so you cannot binge this in a day) 

4. Riverdale 

I heard other people talking about this, but I had never really watched it until I gave in! It was like any other teen- filled drama that I had seen but with a completely different concept and I loved it! I instantly fell in love with this series, as it followed a bunch of teens trying to solve a mystery over who shot Jason. I loved the season 1 finale, and I have loved watching Season 2, however, I NEED BUGHEAD to get back together (if you know, if you don't I recommend watching this). I hope it gets even better in 2018!

Reasons to watch: Cole Sprouse, teen filled drama, intense, Cheryl's personality, Toni's hair. 

Reasons not to watch: Relationships that you've got attached to are no more, exaggerated scenes that might not happen in real life and scenes might be inappropriate for how old the actors are supposed to be in the series (e.g. Betty's pole dancing scene- a 16 year should not be doing that).  

After such a good year in TV I hope 2018 has more shows to offer!! If you have watched something that you think I might be interested in, comment down below and I'll check it out!


Sunday, 29 October 2017

Sweater Weather: New Buys

River Island ~

Miss Pap ~
Misguided ~

I've recently  bought these items due to the fact that I basically had nothing wintery in my wardrobe to wear. I love all these items, and am looking forward to wearing them and feeling warm! 
I love the colours as I feel I am capturing Autumn by wearing these clothes; these items are super soft and super cosy, and not what I would usually buy! 
I'm excited to be pairing these items with a comfy pair of jeans and converse, and I'll probably pair the jumpers with a black skirt, tights and Chelsea boots. 
I'm looking forward to the weather turning colder as I know I'll be warm wearing these items!


Friday, 27 October 2017

Pandora: Disney Collection

These three pictures are of the Olaf Pandora charm that costs £55. This charm is apart of the Disney range that Pandora has just brought out here in the UK. The charms start from £15 and go up to £100 and there are so many different charms to pick and choose from. 
You can go for a Lilo and Stitch charm to a Cinderella dress charm to a Mickey and Minnie Mouse charm; the choices are endless! I came across this collection as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and ended up clicking on the link as I wanted to see how many different charms you could get and the different Disney characters you could choose from, however, on the website, I wasn't that interested as it seemed that all the charms were targeted for couples. 
I waited until I saw my friend and discussed it with her and she agreed with me and said it was pointless getting a charm, as I wasn't in a relationship. I was disappointed but knew she was right, as I wanted a Disney charm, but was sad to think that they only catered to couples! 
Fortunately, I met up with another one of my other friends to shop, and we walked past the Pandora shop and I discussed having a Pandora charm to her.
 We both started to walk into Pandora and I immediately fell in love with what I saw in the shop display, as they were advertising the 'Disney' range. However, I started to ponder about getting a charm as I wanted my bracelet to have a few more charms on it, as I have only just started wearing it again because I have more charms on it. 
She then suggested we go inside to see if they had more charms and I agreed, I think I knew I wasn't leaving this Pandora without a Disney charm! (They were just too irresistible not to get). We walked in to find a glass table filled with Disney charms! We started looking, and I was having a hard time choosing wether to get the Olaf charm (which fitted my bracelet aesthetic to a tee ~ think girly rose gold with silver charms) or a Cinderella charm (this was also girly but Cinderella wasn't my favourite Princess). I had a hard time deciding, do I go for the Christmassy charm or the girly Princess charm?
I decided to go for the Olaf charm since that was the charm that complemented my other charms, plus the fact it was nearly Christmas. Although my friend said it was technically Christmas so I felt extra Christmassy when buying this charm in October! 
I now know that the Pandora charms aren't just for couples, and that you could treat yourself to a charm if you are just a Disney Buff or just buying it for a really good friend whose favourite Princess happens to be Cinderella, Belle, Elsa or Anna! The prices aren't that bad, Pandora caters for all budgets. I recommend you to go into a Pandora store and have a look at the Disney charms, or maybe even buy one for yourself! 


Saturday, 14 October 2017

My September Favourites

Hello, it feels that I haven't blogged on here in a while - and I kinda miss it. So for todays post, I thought I would share what my September favourites were! It feels like I've blinked through September because it's gone SO QUICKLY!
But, September has always been my favourite month, one because it's my birthday (I'm not being biased) and because Autumn begins, which means Christmas is around the corner! This means all the winter shows begin, and you can snuggle up in your favourite blanket while drinking hot chocolate with the fire on! Oh what bliss.....
However, before we get to that stage, I need to tell you about my favourites, so without further ado:

My first favourite is the Bilou 'Coco Coconut' body fragrance 

I first saw this body fragrance on Zoella's 'Huge PO Box Opening video' and knew I had to purchase this, the packaging was too pretty! t. I knew it had to be good because of the fact that it was featured as part of Zoella's PO Box Haul, I mean which person wouldn't want to send Zoe their products! She is the most famous British YouTuber and a great advertiser at that! 
So, after ages of pondering, I managed to go to my local Superdrug and find the fragrance there! OMG it smells like coconuts (as you would imagine), and smells like the summer that has just gone! I have literally been wearing this when I haven't been wearing the Stradivarius perfume! I love how subtle the scent is as it's not overpowering  and how you can pop it in your bag and touch up your scent. 

Second favourite: Stradivarius perfume 

As it was my birthday, one of my parties was going out with my friends to shop in Manchester which led to me and my friends planning where to go in the Trafford Centre, and one of the places we decided to was called Stradivarius. This was because my friend loves to shop in there and since I always liked her perfume, I thought I would get myself some, and I did! It smells amazing, very peppery and like an aftershave, which I love but I promise that it is actually a perfume and not an aftershave! I love the scent, and it was what the shop was fragranced with, which made shopping in there more appealing. I got the big bottle of the perfume since they didn't have any smaller bottles, but this has got to be my favourite scent as I wear it all the time! I don't think I've ever loved a perfume so much, this perfume smells amazing; the scents Sandalwood and Lavender really do go well, and sometimes I think I overdo it but I really don't care, I love it too much!! 

Third favourite: Bilou 'Fizzy'Berry' Shower Cream 

Again, another Bilou product which I also found on  Zoella's PO Box opening video! I wanted to get a variety of fragrances, and when I went to Superdrug, I picked up the fizzy berry, coco coconut and candyfloss! I still haven't used the candyfloss fragranced one, but will do when I finish the tubs of all my other shower gels. However,  as I can choose which body cream I'm feeling, I always grab the Bilou one as it moistening my body less time consuming, rather than putting cream on your body than massaging it in, you can shake the cream till it reaches the foam consistency, then squirt out the correct amount and massage that onto your body. However, I do feel that you have to work very quickly with it as the foam loses its consistency after a while which makes it more difficult to work in. Apart from that, I love it as it leaves my body smooth, soft and smelling amazing!!

Fourth favourite: Pandora bracelet 

Since it was my birthday, I got some new Pandora charms, one which I was gifted from my parents which is a cute little 18 charm, another was one that I got myself which is a rose gold flower and my friend gifted me the 3rd rose gold charm with lots of little flowers on. I wanted to put this into my favourites as I am wearing the bracelet more and since I have bought or been gifted more charms. (I was originally gifted this present 2 years ago for Christmas and haven't worn it since my 18th). 
 I wear it more, so that people can see how my charm collection is expanding and I love wearing the bracelet with pride, as I love showing my friends how the charms they got me look on the bracelet! It makes me want to buy more charms now.  

Fifth favourite: Heart Charm bracelet 

Another birthday present from one of my friends. I love this bracelet as it is small, as it has a very thin chain, it is also  cute with just a little bit of detailing which is a rose gold heart, and it is on a silver chain which you can tighten depending on how tight or loose you want it. I've worn this bracelet every day as I feel it goes with everything I wear, it's just a delicate piece and I love it! However, I've only ever had to take it off just to my give my wrist a break as I would tighten it too much, now I just loosely wear it. 

Sixth favourite: Unicorn Slippers 

Again, this is another birthday present I was gifted off my parents. The gift came from Boux Avenue which is a shop that does really cute underwear and nightwear. Anyway, they got me the cutest pair of Unicorn slippers, and I absolutely ADORE THEM. I love wearing them as they are fluffy inside and keep my feet warm, also the colours are cute and super girly. Since the dark nights are approaching, I know what I'm going to continue to wear!  And I mean who doesn't like wearing unicorns on their feet!

Seventh and Final favourite : Koala socks 

My final favourite has to be my Koala slippers socks that another friend gifted me as part of my birthday present. I love them because the socks have cute Koala faces on with big, grey pomp-pomps for ears, they're really cute and really soft! I usually don't like wearing bed socks, but these are the softest bed socks ever, it's like you're walking on pillows. I love the colour scheme too.
I love the fact the socks keep my feet warm and soft, and I love the cuteness of the Koala face on the side of the socks!

What were your favourite items in September, and did you like this blog post, I'm thinking of doing more of these in the future!

Thank you for reading!


Friday, 15 September 2017


A couple of weeks ago, I went to Bray Berkshire for my birthday celebrations! I went to Berkshire with my family  where we stayed in a hotel called The River Arts club and the interior was so fantastic that I couldn't quite believe we were staying there! I shared a suite with my mum and our room was once used by Heston Blumenthal's sister, who stayed there for a week! The room was called English Garden and the feeling was certainly that with its floral decor!! The exterior looked like a mansion, and when I went inside the room, I was amazed to see how pink the room was, a true girls dream!! 

I loved the country-house feel that the hotel had, it was a once in a lifetime experience!! I would love to go back and stay in the suite longer because I only spent one night there. I did not get the full experience and I couldn't take it all in and explore the city in general as there was so much to see and do and I think a 4 day stay would have been better to get a better experience.  

Once we were settled in our room, we went out for some lunch, there were so many pubs and eating places near the hotel, and later got ready to go out with the family for the evening. The bathroom was so big that I could do my makeup in the mirror and the lighting was perfect so I could see if I had blended out my foundation and contouring enough! 😂 

Once I was ready, we went in a taxi to 'The Fat Duck'. I cannot believe I'm writing the name of the restaurant down because I am still in shock that I was really there! I'm fascinated by Heston Blumenthal and the way he creates all of his meals. I watch him on TV, and it doesn't seem real the things he creates, but it is! You have to see it to believe it! 
When we got to the restaurant, a smartly dressed man walked up to us and and greeted us, we didn't quite know what to think! However, he was showing us to the restaurant, as the exterior isn't obvious, you really have to 'be in the know' to know exactly where you're going! After the man greeted us, he showed us inside the restaurant. Outside it had an air of secrecy about it and once inside, there was an air of people enjoying and oohing and aaahing at the food. Our waiter gave us a map, with the menu inside of it! I KNOW.... MYSTERIOUS!! 
When we were seated, the' experience' began. We ate meals with little stories behind them, and got involved with the activities that came with the experience! It truly was a magical and surreal experience with 4 hours enjoying and experiencing 16 courses (whenever I tell people that they always get baffled) but it really was a fun experience because the waiters told us everything we needed to know about the food which was EXQUISITE!!! Every meal was different, with different flavours, which some people would love and others may not! There is something for everybody! 

I loved this experience so much, the food was just something else and the items you took away in their branded 'goody bag' from the experience are collectors items as you know after you've been you aren't going to be going again! I loved how the food told a story and sent us on a journey. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to experience something new and special to go there as the things you experience aren't normal everyday things you get to experience! I know going to this restaurant isn't cheap but it's really worth it! 

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope that you get to experience going to The Fat Duck! 


Friday, 8 September 2017


For those of you who  have waited for the 2nd part of my hair do.. today's the day!! I had already had my hair cut into a LOB and I wanted to push the boundary even further, so, for my 18th birthday, my mum and dad agreed to getting my hair ombred in Rose Gold! I was so happy with this and I couldn't wait to get it done, the appointment was arranged a few months before, and I made sure my school knew what was going on; and they agreed! It was all set and ready to go!! 
I was dead excited for my hair to go from a boring brown to a unique Rose Gold ombre!   

I had my hair cut into a LOB a few weeks before, and my hair-dresser made sure I was aware of the whole process, which sounded so good. I just wanted to get it done straight away! 
A couple of weeks later the day finally came (after many weeks of patiently waiting), and I was so excited to see how it would turn out! I entered my hair salon early (eager beaver here 😉), and had to wait until my actual appointment. I paid before hand so I could make a quick exit afterwards and to make sure I showed everyone else as we had friends coming over afterwards! 
Next, she washed my hair, and because my hair is so dark, she had to bleach it first to make sure the colour lifted to a lighter ginger brown sort of colour! This took about an hour, and honestly my head was hurting because I had to lean over the basin for ages while waiting for my hair to 'lift', which was seriously painful! 
After the painful leaning over the basin experience, she had to add the toner to my hair, and then the Rose Gold dye, which looked milkshake pink in the mixing bowl; she toned my hair, which took about 10 mins and added the colour which again took 10 mins and washed it out! 
Finally my hair was ombre, I could not believe it, it was so exciting! I had wanted this for a long time, and now I had it done, I was in shock!! 
When she was drying my hair, I could not stop telling her how much I loved my hair! I love it so much and I feel it looks so good with my skin tone and with the rest of my hair colour! I love how it blends into my original hair colour so much!!! I would totally keep on going to the hair-dressers again to make sure this ombre colour never fades. I love it so much!! 

Thank you for reading, 


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Lets Talk About: Taylor Swift

Look what YOU made me do Taylor Swift!! Talking about you, hope you don't write a song about me. 
With all the Taylor Swift hype going around lately I thought it would be appropriate to talk about my own opinions on her and her comeback to the music industry!

The first time I ever heard about Taylor Swift was about 7 years ago, when me and my dad went to watch Wicked! I remember going into the HMV store in London and browsing at the CDs as my dad gave me the choice to go into the store and buy whatever I wanted! I stood there searching for something with a pretty cover (I was only 10!), when I noticed this album of a girl in a purple dress. I took it off the shelf and listened through the list of songs, and they sounded good so I took it to my dad and we bought it! 

The album was called 'Speak Now' and I could remember just loving every song on the album because as we drove home I could not stop listening to it! It was on repeat till we got home. I was in love with her music! I can remember loving all her tracks as I loved listening to the country sounding vibes that were on the album. I still love listening to it, and have even dowloaded the deluxe version on my phone as I just could not get enough of it! Some of my favourite songs include Speak Now, Better Than Revenge, Enchanted and Haunted! I love the mix of pop and country, and intense sounding songs;  all these genres in one album, what could be better than that! 

Fast forward a few years to 2014 and when she released 1989. I downloaded it straight away. I remember staying up till midnight and counted down the hours until the album dropped. I can remember listening to the tunes, and loving every single one of them! They were all so great! However, I did miss the country styled music, but I loved the new pop style! My favourite tunes on this album are Style, Wonderland, Bad Blood (especially the one featuring Kendrick Lamar) and I Wish You Would! I love these tunes as they are all different styles of pop and I love how she mixes these different genres, and creates songs which are so wonderful to hear, they are a thing of pure creation.

 I even wanted to go to see her concert because at the time, she had different guests coming out in each country she performed in, and I wanted to be there. I had FOMO and I remember scrolling through my Instagram feed and feeling jealous at people who took pictures of their tickets or their experience! I had to stop myself from finding out which guests were going to be their as I remember feeling left out as I wasn't there to watch the fantastic shows she was putting on! 
I remember reading the reviews and feeling jealous as people were saying that the experience was the best they ever had! 

Now lets talk about present day Taylor Swift. Swift has been through quite a lot from 'Kimye' to the   groping case, and I feel that she has been quite unlucky as she doesn't deserve these things happening to her, nobody does. But, after these incidents, she has been keeping her head down as she has even deleted her social media!... Until the 21st August, on Twitter, she released a snake video, announcing a new song. Furthermore, she released her new single 'Look What You Made Me Do', this song hints at the bitterness she has for Katy Perry, Calvin Harris, Kayne West, Kim Kardashian and Tom Hiddleston; and when you watch the video you'll see more of the jibes towards them in the various references! 

I think her video showcases her artistic talent rather than the song, but for me I miss her country-style songs and I don't like how she gets her inspiration from the people she's dated, arguments she's had, and bitterness towards the people she hates! I think it's all petty, she is 27 years old, and should sort out her troubles like an adult instead of writing a song about her woes. I'm only stating my opinion here and I do not think she is a good role model anymore! 
She is basically giving out the message that it is okay to mock yourself and other people instead of sorting out your own problems like an adult, which I do not think is a good message for young girls who look up to her! 

What do you think about TS, do you think this song is good/bad and do you like the way she's changed genres over the years??? 

Thank you so much for reading and this is only MY opinion on TS and her new song!


Saturday, 26 August 2017


For those of you who have yet to try a 'sheet mask' including me, I thought I would start off with this product first as it looked very appealing!

This sheet mask is a little different from other sheet masks. Now I know with other sheet masks you can either have animal shaped masks or sheet masks which are made out of different materials, but with this sheet mask, it comes in little watermelon slices. I know, sounds crazy! 
I was completely bewildered by this style of sheet mask, so naturally, I thought I would give it a try, and I absolutely loved wearing them as they made my skin feel refreshed and plumper. 

I got this sheet mask from Urban Outfitters. I knew they did some cool and wacky facial sheet masks and I wanted to try them out, as I had never tried a sheet mask before. I know right.. a bit late on the bandwagon. To be safe, I thought I would pick one of these slice sheet masks, so I chose one which was the most pink and exotic looking- the water melon slice sheet masks . There were other slice sheet masks available such as the pineapple and cucumber, and for one pack, which includes two sheets, it costs £4.  

After a few weeks, I tried the mask. I wanted to save this one, as I wanted to savour; I regretted not buying the other slice sheet masks even though they looked so cool . When I opened the packet, it smelt like fresh water-melon and were very watery. I took out the two sheets and I was a bit puzzled  about how to take the slices out as I didn't want to rip them. The slices were very fragile, very small, and were less watery then the sheet they lay on, which I loved and when I put them on my skin, they stuck in place, and wouldn't move until they became drier. The slices look like this, they were cute, and were easy to apply.

I loved the slice sheet masks and I wouldn't mind buying another pack. They left my skin feeling brighter, refreshed, smoother and hydrated. 

Even though I loved this sheet slice mask, the slices  fell off after 18 mins, when in fact they were supposed to last around 25-30 mins. Furthermore, even though the contents contained 2 packs of sheet slice masks. I found that I used all of the packs contents at once. 
My face is small, and while the sheet mask had 16 slices on it, they didn't cover all of my face. I had to use all 32 slices. 
Even though these sheet masks do have some weaknesses, I  think the positives outweigh the negatives and I will definitely be purchasing some more! 
I will absolutely purchase the watermelon one again, and I will most likely purchase the pineapple slice sheet mask. I give this mask 8.5/10, because it did what it said on the package, smelt lovely and refreshing, was good value and the packaging was eye catching! 

I hope you enjoyed this review and I hope your curiosity gets the better of you so go out there and purchase these wacky face masks!


Thursday, 24 August 2017

My French Adventure!!!!

It feels like ages since I last posted, I've missed blogging! 
I've been away for a few days in France, Brittany, spending time with my friend and her family. I thought I could share with you guys what I did there! 

Day 1 

My mum and I got up at 5:45 to get to the airport for 7:00 to avoid traffic, this was to make sure we had enough time to go and have some breakfast and check in, in time for our 11:20 flight!! 
Our flight was a relaxing flight, it only took 1 hour and 10 minutes to get to France and when we arrived at Nante airport, our friends picked us up and took us to their house which was an hours drive to Grande Champ. We relaxed and had lunch outside, it was quite a cold day (either that or I was just extremely tired)!!! 
My friend showed us the itinerary, which included going to Vanne Markets, a Chapel Tour to see art and going to the beach  in Carnac and general sight seeing. It all looked  like a lot fun as it included a LOT of relaxing, sight seeing and eating, we were up for it! 
Towards the end of the day, I went to bed exhausted after a busy and long day.

Day 2 
We got up  and had breakfast which my friends mum collected from the local bakery, everyone had fresh croissants. (I had my croissant with some raspberry jam and a cup of tea). We then set off at 11:20 to Vannes Market! 

I enjoyed walking around the markets, there was so many market stalls including, chocolate, vegetable, fish and clothes. The fish stall (which was inside) didn't smell too appealing, but we managed to walk through the market without throwing up! The weather was quite nice as we spent most of the day outside! When walking through the markets, the was just amazing, dainty with a rustic feel, which was probably why I took a lot of pictures!
When we got home, we spent most of our time outside and ate sandwiches, and relaxed until the evening where we drank, and ate crepes. I loved my savoury crepe (smoked ham and mushrooms) and, for my dessert I had a sweet crepe which was filled with a sweet, buttery caramel sauce!  After the meal, both me and my friend stayed up till 11pm as we got back late. 

Day 3 

Both me and my friend got up at 11am and her mum went to get our breakfast, however, because she went to the bakery late, there were no croissants for us to eat, only pain au chocolat! However, I don't usually like the taste of the pastry but, I thought while I was in France I would try some, so I did, and I kid you not, it tasted amazing!!   After we had breakfast, we made our way to the car, where her dad drove us all to see some chapels with art inside. We took the red tour, which was only 35km (the shortest distance out of all the tours), and we saw 7 different chapels in total! The art was very interesting and quirky, and the chapels were very beautiful! 

My favourite was the chapel was situated in between a massive rock, which was so cool to see! We then went home and relaxed, then had a meal and went to bed at 12pm (as we spent most of the evening playing solitaire). Thank you to my friend for teaching me, we'll have to play it again some time!

Day 4 

Our penultimate day. We went to a cool little quirky town called Auray! Again, like the markets, it was very lovely to see all the market stalls running in the blazing sun-shine. I took lots of pictures and visited lots of cool artsy shops. When we finished looking around, we went home and ate and drank lots, sat outside and sun-bathed. Something we hadn't done, during the rest of the week as it had been  too cold to do! Me and my friend drank lots of traditional apple cider and went to sleep at about 12am as we had played another round of solitaire!

Day 5 

Our final day, I was sad to go but happy at the same time because I had missed England and my own home! Again we got up at 10:30, had breakfast and jumped into the car for 11am to go to Carnac Beach! I loved this beach as the white sand is jewelled  with pretty sea-shells! However, because, the weather was being naughty (on the phone it said it was going to hit up to 25 degrees), when we woke up it was miserable, so I dressed in a top and trousers,  but when we got to Carnac Beach it was already 25 degrees and was slowly going up, I was roasting!! When we got there, we placed down our blankets and sun-bathed. 
My friend and her family are keen swimmers so they went into the sea while I only dipped my toes in,  but standing by the sea and dunking my toes into the water was really refreshing as it woke me up! 
After, we went exploring and went to l'igloo, which is an ice-cream shop who sells over 160 flavours of ice-cream. Some being really wacky flavours including ketchup and haribo flavour! I had two scoops of ice-cream, one flavour (my favourite by far) the candy-floss and the second flavour (I was disappointed in) was the creme brûlée as it tasted more lemony than actual creme brûlée! 
We got home, and I had to change as I was extremely hot (the temperature was now hitting 32 degrees) and my friend persuaded me to go into their pool, which was so refreshing! We then ate and drank and went to bed at 11pm because we had to get up early for the early morning flight home.

Day 6 

We got up bright and early and we ate breakfast as usual. we packed all of our things away and we got ready to go to the airport! Our friend and her mum drove us to the airport to get us there for our flight; we checked in and were off on our flight back to England! Again our flight was a quick flight, and when we returned we got on the mono-rail back to train-station and took a train from there to get a taxi home!! I was so glad to be back home to catch up on my sleep, but I really want to thank my friend and her family for having us, as it was a very relaxing and enjoyable holiday!!

Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed reading about my French experience! 
