Since it is coming to the end of 2017, I thought I would begin this series by reflecting on my four favourite Netflix series that I watched over this past year!
1. Pretty Little Liars
After 7 years of watching this series, the series came to an end and to tell you the truth I was very sad about it! I loved watching it and the attachment I had made with all of the characters was just too strong, I had to let go and wave 'goodbye' to the PLL gang for good. In April, when season 7 came to an end, I was so eager to watch it that I stopped myself going online. I did this because American episodes came out on the Wednesday, and English episodes came out on the Thursday, so I didn't want to spoil it by going on Twitter and finding out who -'A' was!!! Unfortunately, I failed. I was angry with myself but decided to watch it anyway because I had never seen the character myself. The ending was bittersweet but I'm glad it ended on a good note for each of the characters.
Reasons to watch: good plot twists, good characters, good storylines, fashion sense is fantastic (Hanna's and Aria's are my fave) and if you like a good high-school drama filled with issues relevant to today this show is a good one to watch! I also loved the character relationships they had with each other.
Reasons not to watch: bad ending to the final episode, you can't binge-watch all 7 seasons in one day and you might just get attached a bit too much to the characters which may be bad when it ends as you prize yourself away!
2. 13 Reasons Why
After I had watched the trailer, I knew I wanted to watch this series! I had never read the book, but the storyline appealed to me, and plus Selena Gomez had produced it so I thought it would be more 'watchable'. I remember watching this and getting my friends in on it, but while I had watched some of the episodes, some of my friends had binge watched all of the episodes. I then had to watch them to catch up with them as I wanted to talk about it with them and get involved in the gossip. I loved the acting and loved how they conquered issues such as mental health and suicide, and the way it was presented really stuck with me! I loved how each of the characters got their own tapes, and how their own stories with Hannah intertwined with each other. I loved it, but I didn't like how the characters own stories stuck with me, and how after the show ended, the story still seemed to go on for me.
Reasons to watch: good plot twists, good character storylines and loved how they talked about relevant issues. You can binge-watch Season 1 in a couple of days.
Reasons not to watch: after something so intense your mind goes overboard and it feels like it has affected you, issues which people might not like are prevalent. Intense and emotional to watch as it feels very real.
3. Gossip Girl
I have always wanted to watch this series after I watched parts of it on NCS about a year ago. I started watching it in the summer, and to be honest I watched Season 1 and part of Season 2, but I stopped after watching part of the first episode of Season 2! I don't know why I just stopped watching it, but I think it had something to do with how obsessed I was with some of the characters!!! I will continue to watch this in 2018, as I need to know what happens in each of the seasons. It was so good, and I recommend anyone to watch this!
Reasons to watch: characters fashion sense (especially Serena), high-school drama, cheesy but brilliant to watch! Loved the setting of it as well as the characters relationships!
Reasons not to watch: 6 Seasons (so you cannot binge this in a day)
4. Riverdale
I heard other people talking about this, but I had never really watched it until I gave in! It was like any other teen- filled drama that I had seen but with a completely different concept and I loved it! I instantly fell in love with this series, as it followed a bunch of teens trying to solve a mystery over who shot Jason. I loved the season 1 finale, and I have loved watching Season 2, however, I NEED BUGHEAD to get back together (if you know, if you don't I recommend watching this). I hope it gets even better in 2018!
Reasons to watch: Cole Sprouse, teen filled drama, intense, Cheryl's personality, Toni's hair.
Reasons not to watch: Relationships that you've got attached to are no more, exaggerated scenes that might not happen in real life and scenes might be inappropriate for how old the actors are supposed to be in the series (e.g. Betty's pole dancing scene- a 16 year should not be doing that).
After such a good year in TV I hope 2018 has more shows to offer!! If you have watched something that you think I might be interested in, comment down below and I'll check it out!